He stood there silhouetted against a blue sky where white puffy clouds chased each other in some eternal game. Puffing his chest out , he exclaimed ," My God! What a beautiful day!" She stood next to him wondering if she'd ever forget this moment. Not likely she thought. This man standing next to her ,so completely oblivious and yet, so completely aware. How could he not know, she wondered.
They started walking. In silence. It was often like this she realized. Their silences were always so easy. As easy as their conversations. Silence as easy as speech. Do other people have that she wondered. Perhaps not.
Is this what it's going to be like forever? This complete awareness and this complete oblivion? What of it then? Is there a meaning she is supposed to fathom? Some greater question of the human condition that she needed to understand?
It is a bondage in many ways, isn't it? This thing they call love. The greater bondage then is unrequited love. But what binds you there? Hope, perhaps?
She suddenly looked at him and realized he'd been watching her. They looked away almost at the same time.
There was something that needed to be said. Would this be the moment that would finally free her? There seemed to be something in the air between them. She turned to look at this profile. Perfection , she thought. That would forever define perfection for her. Should she just say it? Why not? They were just words after all. Who would hear? The trees, the skies... he? That's what she wanted wasn't it? To just let him know. To bare her soul. To cry out ,even or scream. Or hit him. Shake him into seeing what was before his eyes. How could he not see , she wondered. Her face was an open book.
He looked at her again. The sun came out just then and shone full on his face. Blue-green eyes , looked into brown ones.Thoughtfully. This was it. This was the moment.
And then, just as suddenly, the sun disappeared. Someone called out their names. They were among people again.
The unspoken remained there- in their eyes- between them... the oblivion,then, was surely only an imagined one...