So, my first post of the year is being written well into the strange new year. April is almost ending and the world is as uncertain as it has been at any time. Bombings, earthquakes, the deaths of thousands of innocents, economic uncertainties, all continue unabated. But there have been some changes in my attitude toward these. I wouldn't call it detachment but it comes close. Life must go on. And we must find beauty where we can I think. The world is what it is and the troubles are what they are. My engagement with it must be a considered one if I can be of any use at all. Knee jerk reactions are all very well, but they are just that.
In the meantime, I have been reading some beautiful books. A couple deserve special mention.
Empires of the Indus was one. Alice Albinia's breathtaking adventures following the Indus from the mouth to the source is a soulful, courageous journey that will captivate you from page one. Where this young woman found the physical courage to accomplish her journey is beyond me. The book is a record of the history of one of the
oldest rivers in the world. It is also a historical record of one of the most volatile regions of the world. Empires is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand this constantly changing corner of the world and also perhaps as a cautionary tale about what we are doing to the beautiful world around us.
The other book that I came to admittedly quite late is
White Mughals by William Dalrymple. I have no idea why I waited so long to read this. But books must come to you when they will I believe. The book of course deals with those issues that don't ever seem to leave us and perhaps never will- assimilation, globalization, the
people who fall through the cracks , very often tragically. Dalrymple's true genius lies in the seemingly effortless telling of a complex tale mostly lost in the mists of time. The story of course broke my heart and I was left ever so devastated for a few days afterwards. But it was certainly well worth it.
Other than that, I've begun practicing yoga, after a long time. It's been good , if a bit achy. Summer's here and it's almost unbearably hot but the mangoes are good as are the gulmohars. Saturday morning was spent admiring these beautiful blooms. I'll leave you with a photograph of these beauties.Until next time...
Gulmohar Dreams |